Become better at your job, better at your studies or simply learn English with English Language Learning classes at AACC. Non-native English speakers can learn the basics, improve language skills and prepare for credit coursework with classes, tutoring and conversation practice. Stop by our office, meet with an advisor and find out which of these programs is right for you.
English Basic Skills courses are for beginners learning English. Classes address listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for everyday life.
English for Academic Purposes courses in grammar, reading and vocabulary, listening and speaking, and writing prepare students to earn a degree or professional certificate. The program is ideal for students who want to focus on pronunciation, academic presentation skills, research and essay writing.
Interactive English and Special Topics courses satisfy the education requirement for au pairs with a J1 Visa and can help advanced students improve skills to be even more successful in their studies and their careers.
Learn more about Interactive English.
ELL advisors are available to connect with students in person or remotely by appointment. Email the ELL office at to schedule your appointment.
Students can meet with a tutor, one-on-one, for 30 minutes each week. Contact Owen Andrews at or 410-777-2926 to make an appointment.
“I was born and raised in Nepal. My speaking and writing have changed a lot since I started taking ESL classes at AACC. I have developed confidence and improved my English, too.”
Hikmat Dangol, former ESL student