Anne Arundel Community College affirms that Academic Freedom affords to all members of the college, faculty, staff and students, free inquiry, expression, and discussion of differing ideas. Anne Arundel Community College is committed to the protection of academic freedom and its importance to the institution. The principles of civility, mutual respect, and integrity are the responsibilities that accompany this freedom.
The Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the President (or designee) to develop, maintain, and keep current appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy.
Policy Title: Academic Freedom
Policy Category: Academic Affairs
Policy Owner: Provost/Vice President for Learning
Policy Administrator: Associate Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs
Contact Information: Dr. Tina Smith;; 410-777-2776
Approval Date: February 25, 2020
Effective Date: February 25, 2020
History: N/A
Applies to: All faculty
Related Policies: N/A
Related Procedures: N/A
Forms/Guidelines: N/A
Relevant Laws: N/A