In collaboration with internal and external partners, the Office of Student Engagement (OSE) encourages student learning and engagement through diverse activities designed to help all students realize their full potential. The OSE promotes student growth and development by providing opportunities for student organization and leadership development, participation in campus governance, social and cultural development, and advocacy.
Student engagement is the vibrant hub for involvement, connection and service to the Riverhawk community. In our office, we strive to positively impact the learning and development of all Riverhawks through co-curricular programs and services to empower personal and professional success. Our values, which are consistent with those of AACC, include:
There are lots of advantages to being a Riverhawk! Check out a few of the discounts and free passes that our office has available for current AACC students.
We offer movie tickets at a discounted rate for current credit and non-credit students each term at the following movie theaters and prices:
These tickets are available for purchase Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., with two tickets available per purchase. Your college ID and proof of enrollment must be shown to purchase your ticket(s). We accept cash and checks.
You may purchase up to two tickets per visit and a total of 10 tickets per term.
We offer free passes to the National Aquarium for current credit and noncredit students each term. Your college ID and proof of enrollment must be shown to borrow a pass.
The National Aquarium passes are available to pick up on the day that you reserve your pass. You are only allowed to reserve one pass at a time. You can check out a pass two times per term based on availability.
Visit the Student Engagement office for details about these free passes and to reserve a pass. Our office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Club Event
Clubs may use the single use paper tickets once per term. Up to 10 paper tickets can be used per club and one advisor must attend. There is a limited number of single use paper tickets, so this is a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to let the Student Government Association know you are interested in the club visiting the aquarium and the total number of tickets needed during your club’s budget hearing so tickets may be reserved for the event.
Student Travel Agreements must be submitted in the Nest at least 30 days prior to the event date for everyone attending an advertised club event. If a club member is under 18 years old, a paper copy of the Student Travel Agreement must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian, then emailed to
Student Engagement is a distribution partner of the Maryland Food Bank. AACC pantries, created in partnership with the Maryland Food Bank, provide food to individuals and families in our community.
Pantry Hours:
SUN 219
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Sarah E. Carter Building at the Glen Burnie Town Center (GBTC)
GBTC 311
8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
If you have questions about food pantry services, email
If you are experiencing unforeseen financial circumstances, you may request support from the HelpLink program. HelpLink awards are designed to offer short-term support to currently enrolled students who are at risk of being unable to complete their educational goals at AACC due to sudden or unexpected financial barriers. Learn more about the HelpLink program.
Complete your HelpLink application.
HelpLink funds are provided in the form of direct and specific assistance. HelpLink awards will be mailed/shipped directly to students, and/or processed online to honor social distancing practices.
Are you a student club member in need of a flyer or some cards for your event? Not sure where to get started? Student Engagement can help! Our office will help clubs design and print advertisements. If your club needs something designed and/or printed for an event, simply fill out the Graphics Request Form on the Nest. Once it is designed and approved, it will be sent for printing and delivered to the desired location! To request advertising of your virtual event on Student Engagement's social media, email
All graphics requests (digital and print) for in-person events and activities are suspended until further notice. You may request digital graphics (e.g. PDFs, images for social media posts, other pictures), for your upcoming virtual program or event. We are unable to accept print requests for virtual programs or events. If you are unsure whether your request is applicable, email Student Engagement with your question at
Not sure about the process? We have guides available on the Nest!
In general, make requests at least five business days in advance of the event.